David Lozeau: I've been working in the lab building a frame
David Lozeau: Working on a frame for a double secret probation painting...
David Lozeau: Sneaky peeky of a custom frame in making for a monster-themed group show in Oct...the mis-hit nails & rust & old wood will make sense when you see my painting
David Lozeau: Frame Progress
David Lozeau: Frame Progress
David Lozeau: Frame Progress
David Lozeau: Starting on the background of a new painting...more pix later
David Lozeau: I think I have the background how I want it...test fitting it in the frame I made last night before starting the painting
David Lozeau: Working on my painting for "The Noise in the Basement" group art show in Culver City in October
David Lozeau: Done with the gouache underpainting...on to the enamel line work
David Lozeau: The Bogeyman is starting to take form...more painting progress pix coming up
David Lozeau: A little more detail done on the Bogeyman and one of his bratty kids...
David Lozeau: Painting the other kid
David Lozeau: Almost done...a few more details, some clean up, and the clear coat before I can remount it in the frame I built
David Lozeau: Little close up of the drooling dog from last night's painting. Off to clear coat!
David Lozeau: Final pic of the Bogeyman painting for the night...better pic in the frame tomorrow!
David Lozeau: The Bogeyman's Nightmare by David Lozeau