David Lozeau: Finished this background for the piece I'll live paint on Sat & Sun at the La Jolla Festival of the Arts
David Lozeau: Working on the sketch for my live painting piece at La Jolla this weekend. Going to mix it up with something different!
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Starting on a new painting...nothing says fancy art event in La Jolla like a skeketon flying WWI biplane
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Working on part of the underpainting with green and yellow gouache.
David Lozeau: Using various brown gouaches to add shadows and tone
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Adding some whites and greys for the skelly and metal
David Lozeau: Almost done with the underpainting...about an hour to go
David Lozeau: Done with the gouache underpainting...quick lunch break before the enamel line work
David Lozeau: Starting on the enamel line work...let the fun begin!
David Lozeau: I love this guy
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Painting all day in #SanDiego at the La Jolla Festival of the Arts
David Lozeau: I'll try to finish this WWI biplane painting today
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Making some progress on the biplane...lots left to paint today
David Lozeau: Many hours in, but many more hours to go. I think I'll paint for another 45 mins & then finish the rest in the studio this week
David Lozeau: This part was really fun to paint
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Final biplane pic of the day...more progress this week
David Lozeau: Here's a better picture of the biplane...I have about 20 more hours of painting left to go tomorrow
David Lozeau: Sunny, 73 degrees, light breeze, cold drink, painting...like a boss
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Progress
David Lozeau: Finished painting the German planes & the rear of the US-flown French plane...a few more hours to go
David Lozeau: Progress