David Lozeau: Neptune (detail) by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Two of my sold paintings are getting crated today & then shipped to New York...bye bye big boys
David Lozeau: I think I have the background how I want it...test fitting it in the frame I made last night before starting the painting
David Lozeau: Sneaky peeky of a custom frame in making for a monster-themed group show in Oct...the mis-hit nails & rust & old wood will make sense when you see my painting
David Lozeau: Done building the custom frame for my new WWII MP motorcycle piece...oooooh yea, the devil is in the details! I'll post a good pic of the painting in the frame tomorrow.
David Lozeau: Just like the Sistine Chapel, right?
David Lozeau: Building a frame for my newest Wild West painting...lots more to do, but it's coming along
David Lozeau: My new frame is almost finished...
David Lozeau: Putting the finishing touches on my new outlaw frame...test fitting of the painting in frame coming up soon
David Lozeau: Quick pic of the test fitting of my new Western painting in the frame I built yesterday
David Lozeau: Back to painting...I'll finish this up tonight & get it prof photographed tomorrow & build the frame when I return from the East Coast in mid July
David Lozeau: Give me some discarded old wood and the proper tools and I'll figure out the rest
David Lozeau: Test-fitting the frame before working on the embellishments, another round of aging, & the staining
David Lozeau: It's the small details I love.... Finishing off the frame for the whalers piece... Final pics coming up!
David Lozeau: Los Pistoleros Muertos -- Progress Shot 1
David Lozeau: Los Pistoleros Muertos -- Progress Shot 5
David Lozeau: Los Pistoleros Muertos -- Progress Shot 9
David Lozeau: Los Pistoleros Muertos -- Progress Shot 15
David Lozeau: Los Pistorleros Muertos -- Progress Shot 44
David Lozeau: Murrieta's Marauders -- Progress Shot 2
David Lozeau: Murrieta's Marauders -- Progress Shot 4
David Lozeau: Murrieta's Marauders -- Progress Shot 30
David Lozeau: Wild West Art -- Murrieta's Marauders by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: A few of the original paintings I brought with me for this weekend's art event in San Diego...and today I'll live paint a military custom commission piece
David Lozeau: Fiesta en Old Town by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: One skelly down, two more to paint
David Lozeau: Sold! The troublemaking skellies are going to a new home full of troublemaking skin-covered skellies ;)
David Lozeau: Custom Paintings w/ Custom Frames for Collectors
David Lozeau: Song for Mary by David Lozeau