D~Love: Vintage - swing ride
D~Love: Black n white Zinnia 2
D~Love: Vintage - Swing ride
D~Love: 49.365 - detail from a picture frame
D~Love: Snow Flake
D~Love: Sharing some more Love.. :)
D~Love: 60.365 .. pretty flowers
D~Love: Vintage - swing ride
D~Love: Pretty Things
D~Love: 47.365
D~Love: Blooming Tree
D~Love: Bradford pear blossom
D~Love: Spring blooms
D~Love: Tree blossom..
D~Love: Yellow flower bush
D~Love: pear blossom
D~Love: Cherry Blossoms
D~Love: Dogwood Bloom
D~Love: Bleeding hearts
D~Love: More bleeding hearts.. lol
D~Love: Dogwood
D~Love: pretty in blue and white..
D~Love: Zinnia
D~Love: Black n white Zinnia
D~Love: Zinnia in shades of brown
D~Love: Little bit of rust
D~Love: Rose
D~Love: The stone wall
D~Love: Roses against the wall..
D~Love: Columbines in the morning..