DLD Conference: Lukas Kubina, DLDcities Curator, and Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro.
DLD Conference: Alex Akibo (University of Sao Paolo), Simon Olson (Google), and Michael Nicklas (Ideiasnet.com.br)
DLD Conference: DLDcities Audience
DLD Conference: Sergio Cavina Boanada (Manager of Siemens’ Market Development Board Infrastructure and Cities in Brazil).
DLD Conference: Fernanda Camargo (Founder and member of the Executive Committee of LiveWright)
DLD Conference: Carlos Moreira (Twitter Brasil)
DLD Conference: Suzana Kahn Ribeiro (Green Economy Sub Secretary at the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of Environment)
DLD Conference: Wolfram Lange (Social Geographer)
DLD Conference: Bossa Nova at dinner