Dave Landry: 20210326_KenLockwoodGorge_090.jpg
Dave Landry: Ken Lockwood Gorge
Dave Landry: Ken Lockwood Gorge
Dave Landry: South Branch of the Raritan River at Ken Lockwood Gorge
Dave Landry: 20210326_KenLockwoodGorge_134.jpg
Dave Landry: South Branch of the Raritan River at Ken Lockwood Gorge
Dave Landry: stream leading to the Raritan River
Dave Landry: stream leading to the Raritan River
Dave Landry: 20210326_KenLockwoodGorge_188.jpg
Dave Landry: Schooley Mountain Falls
Dave Landry: 20210326_KenLockwoodGorge_221.jpg
Dave Landry: 20210327_untitled_009-Pano.jpg
Dave Landry: Who desecraes nature?
Dave Landry: Wide view of desecration
Dave Landry: A peaceful spot on Hibernia brook
Dave Landry: 20210328_untitled_036.jpg
Dave Landry: 20210328_untitled_041.jpg
Dave Landry: 20210328_untitled_051.jpg