Dave Landry: Wild Hepatica
Dave Landry: Round-lobed Hepatica
Dave Landry: Trout Lily at Wildcat Ridge
Dave Landry: Springbeauty at Wildcat Ridge
Dave Landry: Spring Beauty at Wildcat Ridge
Dave Landry: Trout Lily marks the real start of spring
Dave Landry: Hepaticas at Wildcat Ridge
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park and Newark Cathedra Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival
Dave Landry: Branch Brook Park during the 2018 Cherry Blossom Festival