Dave Landry: Descending in the storm into the ravine and then up to Jonathan's Woods from our backyard
Dave Landry: On the Little Bear Green Trail at Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: Snow Day
Dave Landry: Coming home from Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: Kate heading home from Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: Ravine rising to Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: Hiking up the gully to Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: Rock Ridge winter
Dave Landry: On the lookout for predators on the way to Rock Ridge Peak
Dave Landry: Kate along the spine of Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: Snow on Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: The ravine behind our house
Dave Landry: Kate descening into the ravine at Rock Ridge
Dave Landry: 20180106_Cyclone_Bomb _101-Pano.jpg
Dave Landry: Kate checking out the beaver pond
Dave Landry: Kate and Dave in Jonathan's Wooos
Dave Landry: Kate the dog's sour modeling session
Dave Landry: Kate the dog's sour modeling session
Dave Landry: Kate the dog's sour modeling session
Dave Landry: Kate the dog's sour modeling session
Dave Landry: The pines of Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: The pines of Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: Ford trail
Dave Landry: Snow worm tracks
Dave Landry: Rest stop on the Ford Trai
Dave Landry: By the Ford Trail
Dave Landry: The pines of Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: A walk throught the pines at Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: Walking through the pines of Jonathan's Woods
Dave Landry: Kate running through the pines