dl1ydn: Sunflowers with guests
dl1ydn: Dahlie (Dahlia)
dl1ydn: Brombeere blüht (blackberry blossoms)
dl1ydn: Irischer Mohn (Irish poppies) or Eschscholzia californica
dl1ydn: (Trichter-)Prunkwinde (Ipomoea tricolor)
dl1ydn: ...rest in the shade.......Mosaikjungfer (Aeshna cyanea) female
dl1ydn: Geranie (Pelargonie)
dl1ydn: Lilie (Lily)
dl1ydn: Tellerhortensie (Hydrangea serrata)
dl1ydn: Insect on flower (Anemone)
dl1ydn: Insect on flower (Alpen-Aster (Aster alpinus))
dl1ydn: Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) auf der Hortensie
dl1ydn: Glockenblume (Campanula)
dl1ydn: Garten-Erdbeere - blossom garden strawberry
dl1ydn: Snail in Mallow (Malve)
dl1ydn: Lampion-Blume (Physalis alkekengi)
dl1ydn: Mallow in Nature
dl1ydn: ....on the meadow
dl1ydn: Beside the road
dl1ydn: Johanniskraut am Wegesrand (Hypericum perforatum)
dl1ydn: Malve am Wegesrand (Mallow)
dl1ydn: Raupe der Ahorn-Rindeneule (Acronicta) aceris.......Raupe in Abwehrhaltung..(In defensive position)
dl1ydn: Großer Kohlweißling (Pieris brassicae)
dl1ydn: My cat Strombo is tired!
dl1ydn: Kleiner Feuerfalter (Lycaena phlaeas)
dl1ydn: Horses in the meadow.....in the midday sun.
dl1ydn: ...gnat in the sun.....(German: Schnake)
dl1ydn: Bug in Apple Tree....(Wanze auf dem Apfel)
dl1ydn: Nachtfalter Gamma-Eule (gamma owl)... On foraging...in the midday sun
dl1ydn: .....On foraging...in the midday sun