doug.linstedt: P1051468
doug.linstedt: P1071479
doug.linstedt: P1071482
doug.linstedt: P1071527
doug.linstedt: P1071544
doug.linstedt: P1071546
doug.linstedt: This is the apartment building we are staying in at the school. Just in case you were curious.
doug.linstedt: P1071554
doug.linstedt: P1071555
doug.linstedt: P1071595
doug.linstedt: P1071597
doug.linstedt: P1081785
doug.linstedt: P1081793
doug.linstedt: P1081794
doug.linstedt: I had to throw a few pictures of the elephant show in here because they were doing tricks....elephants doing tricks needed documenting
doug.linstedt: P1081811
doug.linstedt: P1081814
doug.linstedt: P1081819
doug.linstedt: P1081824
doug.linstedt: P1081826
doug.linstedt: P1081880
doug.linstedt: P1081906
doug.linstedt: P1081930
doug.linstedt: P1081956
doug.linstedt: P1081972
doug.linstedt: P1081981
doug.linstedt: P1081985
doug.linstedt: P1082017
doug.linstedt: P1082021
doug.linstedt: P1082072