dkjd: Kim and On-Ry
dkjd: My parents' house
dkjd: Street in front of the house
dkjd: Snowman making
dkjd: Kim, On--ry, Ben
dkjd: Freaking out
dkjd: Right side of the table
dkjd: My uncle Doug
dkjd: My cousin Kelsey
dkjd: Henry and Walt
dkjd: Henry and Walt
dkjd: Walt and Henry
dkjd: Walt and Henry
dkjd: Kim with her boys
dkjd: Christmas Morning
dkjd: Christmas12
dkjd: Christmas morning
dkjd: Henry
dkjd: Henry and Pete
dkjd: Uncle Mark
dkjd: Kinky right, Popoki Left
dkjd: Walt smiles at his mom4
dkjd: Walt smiles at his mom3
dkjd: Walt smiles at his mom2
dkjd: Walt smiles at his mom1
dkjd: Cuddling cats
dkjd: Cuddling cats
dkjd: Christmas morning
dkjd: Ben Pulls Henry up the street
dkjd: Kim and Henry on White Oaks