Derek Keats: Kirstenbosch flowers
Derek Keats: It's a small world, after all.
Derek Keats: Kirstenbosch spring
Derek Keats: Reach for the sky
Derek Keats: Cape sugar bird on king Protea
Derek Keats: Flowers and mountain, Kirstenbosch
Derek Keats: Pink and wooly parasite, Kirstenbosch
Derek Keats: Wasp, nectar thief, Kirstenbosch
Derek Keats: My friend Erica, Kirsttenbosch.
Derek Keats: Leopard hunts on the mountain (sculpture), Kirstenbosch.
Derek Keats: Green wood orchid, Kirstenbosch.
Derek Keats: Hout Bay beach.
Derek Keats: Hout Bay boats.
Derek Keats: Hout Bay harbour.
Derek Keats: Flowerz at Zunzet.
Derek Keats: Cape of Good Views.
Derek Keats: African black duck today
Derek Keats: African spoonbill
Derek Keats: Africa-violet-kirstenbosch
Derek Keats: A group of Herring Scad, Alepes vari, swimming down the slope
Derek Keats: art-in-the-garden
Derek Keats: baby-rain-spiders
Derek Keats: bee-in-malvacious-flower
Derek Keats: Bigeye emperor, Monotaxis grandoculis
Derek Keats: Black-chested snake eagle
Derek Keats: Black heron, Egretta ardesiaca, at Marievale Nature Reserve
Derek Keats: black-surgeonfish
Derek Keats: Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray, Taeniura lymma
Derek Keats: Brabejum stellatifolium (wild almond), Kirstenbosch
Derek Keats: Buff-cheked or yellow-cheeked gibbon, Nomascus gabriellae