Derek Keats: Winter games - making an inverted island
Derek Keats: Winter games - conquoring hero
Derek Keats: Winter games - the ice caveman
Derek Keats: Winter games - drysuit brigade from small to large
Derek Keats: Winter games - the holey men
Derek Keats: Winter games - the helicopter
Derek Keats: Winter games - shooting an ice berg
Derek Keats: Winter games - photographer lies in the cold
Derek Keats: Winter games - the butt and elbow breaker
Derek Keats: Winter games - SCUBA cylinders in the snow
Derek Keats: Winter games - another butbreaker
Derek Keats: Winter games - elbows
Derek Keats: Winter games - the icebreaker and the tub goat
Derek Keats: Winter games - trapped
Derek Keats: Winter games - the frozen photographer
Derek Keats: Sish ice
Derek Keats: Boy retrieving a buoy.
Derek Keats: Arctic pack ice
Derek Keats: Sea ice, ice berg and fog.
Derek Keats: Sugar coated death.
Derek Keats: Arctic pack ice floe from the under side.
Derek Keats: She's some iced in, b'y.
Derek Keats: Intertidal ice in Newfoundland.
Derek Keats: Ice and fog.
Derek Keats: Ice berg in Conception Bay
Derek Keats: Winter in Norris Point
Derek Keats: Ice berg melting.
Derek Keats: Ice berg.
Derek Keats: Helicopter on the ice.
Derek Keats: Bonne Bay ice