Derek Keats:
Swirling from the light - take 3 - at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Goldies and reef at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Bannerfish at wall at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Reef scene at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Coral and surface at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
School of fish on a wall at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Coral hind cruising at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Brown, orange and blue at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Elasmobranch egg cases on a hydrozoan at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Variations on a theme of orange at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Orange Striped Triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus feeding where a Titan Triggerfish has fed.
Derek Keats:
Scavengers feeding off remains of Titan Triggerfish feeding at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Titan triggerfish feeding with lots of scavengers around at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Titan triggerfish feeding with lots of scavengers around at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Fish and pastels at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Long-jawed squirrelfish, Sargocentron spiniferum among soft coral at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Brown, orange and blue at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Black Snapper (or black and white snapper), Macolor niger at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Black Snapper (or black and white snapper), Macolor niger at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Swirling from the light - take 2 - at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Swirling from the light at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Pink and blue with fish at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Red cyanobacteria at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Spotbase Burrfish, or Yellowspotted Burrfish, Cyclichthys spilostylus (bye bye) at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Spotbase Burrfish, or Yellowspotted Burrfish, Cyclichthys spilostylus at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Spotbase Burrfish, or Yellowspotted Burrfish, Cyclichthys spilostylus (I has me a cave, I emerge) at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Spotbase Burrfish, or Yellowspotted Burrfish, Cyclichthys spilostylus (I has me a cave) at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Pink at Gota Sorayer, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA