Derek Keats:
Photography at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Fishy reef at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Bluefin Trevally, Caranx melampygus at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Symphony in a key of mauve at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Symphony in a key of pink at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Reef scene with diver at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Spotbase Burrfish, or Yellowspotted Burrfish, Cyclichthys spilostylus - is a porcupinefish, not a pufferfish - at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Red soft coral and divers at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Red soft coral at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Sailfin Tang, Zebrasoma desjardinii at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Along the wall at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Along the wall at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Away from the pink soft coral at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Vermilion hind, Cephalopholis oligosticta at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Colours at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Colourful scene at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Little fish and anemone at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Little fish and anemone at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Tiny dominoes and anemone fish Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Soft corals at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diver and corals at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Pink diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
Diving at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA
Derek Keats:
On the wall at Habili Ali, St John's reefs, Red Sea, Egypt #SCUBA