Derek Keats: Arrow marked babbler
Derek Keats: Crimson-breasted Gonolek (formerly Crimson-breasted Shrike)
Derek Keats: Crimson-breasted Gonolek (formerly Crimson-breasted Shrike)
Derek Keats: Crimson-breasted Gonolek (formerly Crimson-breasted Shrike)
Derek Keats: Fiscal flycatcher (Sigelus silens) at the Pretoria National Botanical Garden
Derek Keats: Arrow marked babbler
Derek Keats: Arrow marked babbler
Derek Keats: Tawny flanked prinia at the Reitvlei Nature Reserve, near Pretoria
Derek Keats: Arrow marked babbler
Derek Keats: Rufous naped lark
Derek Keats: African Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) at Reitvlei Nature Reserve, near Pretoria.
Derek Keats: African Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) at Reitvlei Nature Reserve, near Pretoria - front ventral view
Derek Keats: Stonechat male
Derek Keats: Cape Longclaw or Orange-throated Longclaw, Macronyx capensis at Reitvlei Nature Reserve, near Pretoria.
Derek Keats: Cape longclaw
Derek Keats: Cape longclaw