Derek Keats: Frech Fishing vessel, St John's, circa 1985
Derek Keats: Urchins and starfish eating dead fish in cod trap leader.
Derek Keats: Fairhaven dock, Newfoundland
Derek Keats: Fishing boat, Aquaforte, Newfoundland
Derek Keats: French fishing vessel, St John's
Derek Keats: High Liner fishing vessel, St John's
Derek Keats: Point Amour, Labrador.
Derek Keats: Fairhaven, Newfoundland
Derek Keats: DIssecting a large basking shark that was caught in a fish net and washed up on the beach.
Derek Keats: Bob hooper with massive codfish that we speared in Norris Point, Bonne Bay, Newfoundland.
Derek Keats: Very large basking shark caught in a cod trap leader.
Derek Keats: Cod escaped from a cod trap heading straight for the bottom.
Derek Keats: Heading for safety
Derek Keats: Inside a cod trap looking up.
Derek Keats: Looking up beneath a cod trap
Derek Keats: The bottom of the trap, no hope for these fish.
Derek Keats: Coming aboard, cod being removed from the trap into the Island Star.
Derek Keats: Decaying Atlantic salmon caught in a cod trap leader
Derek Keats: Coming aboard, cod being removed from the trap into the Island Star.
Derek Keats: Coming aboard, cod being removed from the trap into the Island Star.
Derek Keats: Fishes eye view of the Island Star
Derek Keats: Approaching death
Derek Keats: A chaos of death
Derek Keats: Regurgitated food from fish in the trap.
Derek Keats: Looking up to certain death
Derek Keats: Coming aboard, cod being removed from the trap into the Island Star.
Derek Keats: Looking up to certain death.
Derek Keats: No escape
Derek Keats: Lions mane jellyfish caught in cod trap leader
Derek Keats: Unidentified pufferfish, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador