Derek Keats: Monkey - what kind is he?
Derek Keats: false stinkbug
Derek Keats: Odd little insect, probably the nymph of a false stinkbug (Acanthosomatidae, possibly Coenomorpha)
Derek Keats: IMG_8727.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8728.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8729.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8732.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8733.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8736.resized
Derek Keats: Damselfly, probably Africallagama glaucum
Derek Keats: IMG_8746.resized
Derek Keats: Mango tree
Derek Keats: IMG_8752.resized
Derek Keats: Lychees
Derek Keats: Lychee tree
Derek Keats: Lychee tree
Derek Keats: Lychee tree
Derek Keats: Lychees
Derek Keats: IMG_8763.resized
Derek Keats: Mangoes
Derek Keats: Monkey
Derek Keats: Monkey
Derek Keats: Monkey
Derek Keats: IMG_8784.resized
Derek Keats: IMG_8785.resized
Derek Keats: #Chisimba hackathoners crossing that bridge when they came to it.
Derek Keats: #Chisimba hackathoners crossing that bridge when they came to it, take two.
Derek Keats: Monkey
Derek Keats: Brown lemurs
Derek Keats: Chisimba hackathon