DK10 | Stove With A House: Foolish Mother, patient Australian
DK10 | Stove With A House: Kerrie barely did
DK10 | Stove With A House: The regulations have changed just slightly
DK10 | Stove With A House: A little less pompous than two years ago
DK10 | Stove With A House: Australians in international waters
DK10 | Stove With A House: Greg the photographer
DK10 | Stove With A House: Bridal Veil Falls
DK10 | Stove With A House: Only the lower half of Mother's face is exposed
DK10 | Stove With A House: Kerrie and Carrie
DK10 | Stove With A House: Edge of the Horseshoe Falls
DK10 | Stove With A House: Approaching the Horseshoe Falls
DK10 | Stove With A House: Horseshoe Falls
DK10 | Stove With A House: Maid of the Mist flag, Horseshoe Falls brink
DK10 | Stove With A House: Greg photographs Kerrie
DK10 | Stove With A House: Taking advantage of the shade
DK10 | Stove With A House: Hence, the brink of the Falls is where you will find Husband
DK10 | Stove With A House: You cannot wear a long skirt and ride this incline side-saddle
DK10 | Stove With A House: Riding the incline
DK10 | Stove With A House: View of the Horseshoe Falls from the incline
DK10 | Stove With A House: I like how "Rock Band" is capitalized
DK10 | Stove With A House: You know, I can't think of the last time I saw a spectacular rock symphony
DK10 | Stove With A House: Husband in Niagara Falls hotel