DK10 | Stove With A House: Nighttime crunchers
DK10 | Stove With A House: Looking into the webcam
DK10 | Stove With A House: Cage-Face Progression, 4
DK10 | Stove With A House: Cage-Face Progression, 3
DK10 | Stove With A House: Cage-Face Progression, 2
DK10 | Stove With A House: Cage-Face Progression, 1
DK10 | Stove With A House: "I'm really doing this because I know they're watching me, and for some reason they think this is hilarious."
DK10 | Stove With A House: "Cage tastes good."
DK10 | Stove With A House: Cage-face action
DK10 | Stove With A House: "Cage-face is how I amuse myself when nobody's home."
DK10 | Stove With A House: Curl-paw and DNA strand
DK10 | Stove With A House: Big hulking mass of sleepydog
DK10 | Stove With A House: Jet watches me put away the laundry
DK10 | Stove With A House: "Are you almost done with the laundry, Mom?"
DK10 | Stove With A House: ULTIMATE CAGE-FACE
DK10 | Stove With A House: Chessie stretches...
DK10 | Stove With A House: Husband's creepy webbed hand
DK10 | Stove With A House: Jet is awesome at entertaining herself
DK10 | Stove With A House: Jet is talented