DK10 | Stove With A House: Wine, pasta, muchacho
DK10 | Stove With A House: Husband is also excellent on jackalope
DK10 | Stove With A House: Boots and moccasins
DK10 | Stove With A House: Current events, May 5, 1986
DK10 | Stove With A House: Nothing creepy at all about Pappy
DK10 | Stove With A House: It was more like 5' 10"
DK10 | Stove With A House: COWBOY ORCHESTRA
DK10 | Stove With A House: Rising out of the northern plains, a glorious monument to American kitsch and car culture...
DK10 | Stove With A House: One of the approximately 8,000,000 signs advertising Wall Drug
DK10 | Stove With A House: Blue Bell Stables
DK10 | Stove With A House: Pinks and prairie grass
DK10 | Stove With A House: The colors are so soft in this photo, it almost looks like a painting
DK10 | Stove With A House: The guide book also said the terrain would become slippery and dangerous in the event of rain
DK10 | Stove With A House: The National Parks are all so welcoming
DK10 | Stove With A House: Don't even go through the charade of pretending you have a chance; you are totally screwed
DK10 | Stove With A House: I never really liked Dominos
DK10 | Stove With A House: Another way for Husband to get his RDA of buffalo
DK10 | Stove With A House: Now regarding that Internet at Catholic Church
DK10 | Stove With A House: Frightening secular things will happen if you use the Internet between 5:00-7:00 on Wednesdays
DK10 | Stove With A House: Is there really such demand for tennis equipment among Wall Drug employees?
DK10 | Stove With A House: It appears that healthy adolescence, as a concept, depends completely on Wall Drug employees
DK10 | Stove With A House: I'd rather embrace Jet