DK10 | Stove With A House: David and Timmy
DK10 | Stove With A House: If I might speak for Davey...
DK10 | Stove With A House: At my nan's I wasn't thinking
DK10 | Stove With A House: I loved my vantage point
DK10 | Stove With A House: Fucken Rogers X2
DK10 | Stove With A House: I can see clearly now some pain is gone
DK10 | Stove With A House: I love that Gibson guitar
DK10 | Stove With A House: You Am I does this adorable curtsey after each show
DK10 | Stove With A House: I know this is out of focus
DK10 | Stove With A House: The morning when it starts I don't look so sharp
DK10 | Stove With A House: My husband likes it when they all sing together (so do I)
DK10 | Stove With A House: Davey does the spoken-word part of "Stonehenge"