djwu: Welcome to Blizzcon
djwu: blurry dark area (power went out in part of the area)
djwu: the damn line to the store
djwu: i was not prepared.. rise of the lich king
djwu: looks lkike a troll mage and some sorta shammy
djwu: The Queen of Blade return
djwu: REt Pally and Ash
djwu: Priest and Pally
djwu: Druid and Lock
djwu: I think they're 2 mages, kinda distracted
djwu: 2 blood elves
djwu: Draenei class (dunno what role)
djwu: Warrior
djwu: 2 bloodelves of sort
djwu: Warlock
djwu: Nethermancer Sepethrea
djwu: Blood elf again i think
djwu: Dreadmist lady and Rez angel
djwu: another pic of the dead priest rez angel and dreadmist lady
djwu: Some model signin for nvidia
djwu: Priest, Rogue, Lock, Priest, Pally and Blood elf
djwu: The ret pally again with Priest and Lock
djwu: Boomkin for the win
djwu: Naga lady
djwu: Large poster outside of a hunter and rogue
djwu: Blizzard Entertainment
djwu: Wrath of the Lichking
djwu: Blizzcon!