djwanz: cheesy grins
djwanz: walking down the road
djwanz: drunken faces
djwanz: ozone trash
djwanz: the newly engaged and the to be brides maid
djwanz: holding eachother up
djwanz: sexy couple
djwanz: awwww kisses
djwanz: ozone fun
djwanz: me, joe and josie
djwanz: :)
djwanz: whats on me???
djwanz: groaping on the dancefloor
djwanz: omg were at the irish...quick drink more!!!
djwanz: nipple peircing
djwanz: nose peircing
djwanz: bernie and his brother
djwanz: drunken trolly rides
djwanz: trollied action
djwanz: waiting for the cab
djwanz: waiting for the cabs.... still
djwanz: in the cab
djwanz: my new learnt camera trick