dorothaj: ferry dock
dorothaj: stormy
dorothaj: Alma NY 2 9 24 2010
dorothaj: near Wellsville Airport2 9 24 2010
dorothaj: barn near Wellsville airport
dorothaj: pretty clouds near wellsville
dorothaj: tractor in the field Allegany County NY
dorothaj: freedom bridge
dorothaj: flags
dorothaj: middle falls and lightpost
dorothaj: rr bridge letchworth
dorothaj: rrbridge2
dorothaj: rr bridge letchworth
dorothaj: Belmont eagle
dorothaj: Belmont clock
dorothaj: Tree in Belmont
dorothaj: Eagle Clock in Belmont
dorothaj: waterfall in Belmont
dorothaj: belmont cemetary
dorothaj: belmont cem
dorothaj: Belmont Cemetary trees
dorothaj: trees in Belmont
dorothaj: Bemis Point
dorothaj: ferry dock
dorothaj: birds
dorothaj: rr bridge letchworth
dorothaj: Alma NY 2 9 24 2010
dorothaj: alma ny 9 24 2010
dorothaj: near Wellsville Airport 9 24 2010
dorothaj: near Wellsville Airport2 9 24 2010