Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project2::My Home - Handwritten notes, photo button, colored curtains, vanity mirror. Just stuff. Attach who they're from, the day you made it, how you picked it out together, and 'passed down from Gramps'. It all becomes rich with personal meaning. #
Jeri Taira: It was a really good weekend. Really good. May we list them all. The moments. The smallest milliseconds to larger ones. Hold them in our heart's memory for when we need them again. #graceandgratitude #tairasunsets
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project1::Sections of my day - Afternoon ...and then the sun broke through the windy grayness. Yes! May we see God's beauty and revel in Him as faithful one. #tairasunsets #graceandgratitude
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project 1::Sections of my day - Midday. When your grown son visits and brings you veggie lunch. Made my day. #graceandgratitude #tangibletimecapsules
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project 1::Sections of my day - Late afternoon. Waffle robes and roses = Spa days or Mammograms. Yeah, mammo Royal treatment from sweet ladies there. #joysfindme #tangibletimecapsules
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project 2::My Home - Lil man helped set the table. First family get together in a long while. All birthdays celebrated today. Hope your weekend gifted you all even in the tiniest way. #graceandgratitude #joysfindme #tangibletimecapsules
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Projects 1&2::Sections of my day -Morning and My spot.
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Projects 1 & 2::Midday in My Home - Beautiful @dayspringcards encouragement from the inCourage team. So, I share it with you. You matter and what you do, how you do it does make a difference. #youblessme #graceandgratitude
Jeri Taira: Wk1 Project1::Midday - Pause and refresh
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - With my loves on our walk
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - BigDog's point of view
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - - Slowing before he arrives home
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Prayer and reflection soothes, refocuses, renews me. My vitals
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Soul goodness
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - How he watches in wonder
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - How he creates
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Studying him as he notices
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - loves. The playground was empty for the first time in awhile. So we took advantage of our favorite spots there and captured some memories. Hence, the multi photos. Playground series.
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Ha ha! Showing some love
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Wondering what I'm doing over there.
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - Joys find me
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project 1::Portraits & Getting me in the frame - He says he's learning to rest from me.
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project2::Watching it unfold - Something about storm drains intrigues our pup
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project2::Watching it unfold - Wandering freely through the empty park.
Jeri Taira: Wk2 Project2::Watching it unfold - Lingering #tairasunsets
Jeri Taira: Of all the rain captures that day, the only blurred one is my favorite of our adventure. #tairasunsets
Jeri Taira: Sunset in the slow drizzle...together
Jeri Taira: Laughing, playing in the drizzle. BigDog used to be afraid. Now he thinks it's fun too.
Jeri Taira: Sunset almost gone. Still having fun in the drizzle
Jeri Taira: Basking in the last glow of sun magic