Jeri Taira: Day 26 ~ The care of you
Jeri Taira: Good Morning All! He snuck over to my side of the bed while I was getting ready for the day. I pray gratitude fill us for faithful friends & fam whether few or many. #inthismoment
Jeri Taira: He sat and then proceeded to get comfy. Rest found us. May we be wise to say yes when rest chooses us. Happy and blessed midweek all. #pauseandlinger #breathedeeply
Jeri Taira: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Schlemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated. We're gonna do it! ...make all our dreams come true for me and you. #taira2014_soulfulhome Sing on my friends. I'm cheering for your dreams too. Woot! Woot!
Jeri Taira: Little things he does are too cute not to #pauseandlinger in. Transported out of the rigamarole and into a moment of pure joy. I pray these moments for all of us. Not getting my mail or yoga mat back...priceless. #joysandwonders
Jeri Taira: A moment to #pauseandlinger May we watch for and joy in these. The surprise ones are #soulgoodness too xoxo
Jeri Taira: Sometimes walks bring the kind of rest my mind, spirit, and soul need. Maybe not complete clarity, but enough to clear some of the fog. May we take time for what helps us breathe slower and steadier. #gofindourquiet #slowflow
Jeri Taira: BigDog is reusing. He actually stretched out rested in it for a good while. May we all find little moments of impromptu joys. Happy Aloha Friday everyone. #youallblessme #pauseandlinger
Jeri Taira: When the caretaker and guard dog find rest. I just laid back and took it in for a good, long while. May we find countless soul good moments this week. #pauseandlinger #slowflow
Jeri Taira: Because some days curling up just feels so comfy. May we all find moments to relax. To rejuvenation and blessings in our week ahead. #breathingdeeply #gofindourquiet