Jeri Taira: Chill jam session
Jeri Taira: Day 25 ~ Unique and Amazing
Jeri Taira: Day 25 ~ You're Already Amazing & Perfectly Loved
Jeri Taira: Day 64 ~ You Light the World
Jeri Taira: Pressing on into the New Year this weekend. (From a letter to Mrs. Lockley - out of 31 Days of Faith by @tmstier ) James 1:4 filling my soul today. #31Faith
Jeri Taira: To boost our day-to-day: as I clean the couch in frustration, I suddenly realize, "this is what I dreamed. To be a homemaker, mother, grandmother." Shadow, my unexpected gift. The cleaning turns to gratitude for the ones the stains exist. Stains of love,
Jeri Taira: Finding the stillness. Space where all that is waiting can become. #breathingroomformysoul to create the story wanting to be laid out bare and true to self. May we find time daily. #creatingtimecapsules #soulgoodness
Jeri Taira: I was quietly reminded above the loud to-do's to breathe. So nice to have that happen. May we listen to his calming invitation. #gofindourquiet #breathingroomformysoul #ontheblog
Jeri Taira: Some encouragement that reminds whatever we're going through. May it lift you today. #youareenough
Jeri Taira: Inspiration from Shooting with Soul book. Soul goodness @alessandracave xo May we be brave our own way and at our own speed. We are incredible community as unique imperfect individuals. I need you. #graceandgratitude #youallblessme
Jeri Taira: Coffee time pause
Jeri Taira: Very delayed post, but really wanted to let wonderful people know they are thought of and appreciated. Who might need a small hello from you?#youallblessme #stillsendingoutnewyearscards #graceandgratitude
Jeri Taira: May we find room to breathe. The space created for each of us. May we linger there often. #breathingroomformysoul #spiritualwhitespace #everydaywithJesus