the Tom: The ladies all dolled up
the Tom: Sad sad city and happy happy dancers
the Tom: Bus terminal
the Tom: Lake union from 41 bus
the Tom: View from home
the Tom: Dusk on Pine Street
the Tom: Graf Skull
the Tom: Walking home from the stylist
the Tom: Dawn in Queen Anne
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Walk to the waterfront
the Tom: Last week of undergrad lecture
the Tom: Zoning out during a lecture
the Tom: Mid-semester in a creative writing class
the Tom: First day of class in a terrible requirement-filling science elective
the Tom: First day of a class in one of the best courses I ever took
the Tom: Viaduct in miniature
the Tom: Really ties the room together
the Tom: Rain in Fremont
the Tom: Morning coffee
the Tom: Autum in Seattle
the Tom: Autum in Seattle
the Tom: Frozen Section
the Tom: Panorama from my window
the Tom: Air conditioner
the Tom: Cold morning in Queen Anne