the Tom: anemone
the Tom: Puffer Fish
the Tom: Space Needle
the Tom: Alice and Ken @ Space Needle
the Tom: Space Needle
the Tom: Space Needle
the Tom: Space Needle Camera Control Panel
the Tom: Your's Truly @ Space Needle
the Tom: Alice and Ken @ monorail station
the Tom: Monorail
the Tom: Jellyfish arch
the Tom: Olive Oil the Octopus
the Tom: Olive Oil the Octopus
the Tom: Your's Truly & Olive Oil the Octopus
the Tom: anemone
the Tom: Salmon fry @ Seattle Aquarium
the Tom: Fish @ Seattle Aquarium
the Tom: Alice and Ken @ Seattle Aquarium
the Tom: Fur Seals @ Seattle Aquarium
the Tom: Alice and otter @ Seattle aquarium