djmcaleese: Thing on stalks
djmcaleese: Thing with stripes
djmcaleese: Thing with hair
djmcaleese: Another thing with hair
djmcaleese: Another thing with hair
djmcaleese: Tall thing
djmcaleese: Big thing
djmcaleese: Thing with scales
djmcaleese: Thing with no legs
djmcaleese: Thing with a shell
djmcaleese: Flightless thing
djmcaleese: Thing on a mission
djmcaleese: Thing flipping happily
djmcaleese: Thing with a beak
djmcaleese: Another thing with a beak
djmcaleese: Pink things on stalks
djmcaleese: Oh, 94560, how I miss you so...
djmcaleese: Spasti strikes again
djmcaleese: Fighting for the cactus
djmcaleese: He ain't so clean
djmcaleese: Al fresco, Brazil café
djmcaleese: Spasti is free!
djmcaleese: Spasti and his pet Dan
djmcaleese: He's a happy cactus, he said so
djmcaleese: Rescued...
djmcaleese: Through the gate
djmcaleese: Sneaking about
djmcaleese: Lunching
djmcaleese: The jingly belltower
djmcaleese: Making secret plans