djmase: whirly step three.
djmase: whirly step one.
djmase: whirly step two.
djmase: whirly step four.
djmase: whirly step five.
djmase: whirly step six.
djmase: switch rodeo seven.
djmase: karley about to have a bad day.
djmase: much longer then it looks.
djmase: DFD.
djmase: a simple man (rail).
djmase: karley in trouble.
djmase: karley, alpine.
djmase: karley getting in trouble.
djmase: karley getting in more trouble.
djmase: karley getting into more-er trouble.
djmase: drop in.
djmase: jamo cutting back 3.
djmase: jamo cutting back.
djmase: drop in 2.
djmase: drop in 1.
djmase: jamo cutting back 2.
djmase: smoke rings.
djmase: three to go.
djmase: two for the show.
djmase: one for the money.
djmase: he is so talented that he can make a face and shoot at the same time.
djmase: djm frontside double-up.
djmase: djm switch frontside a shade past half.
djmase: djm frontside spin + loads of slick.