Dom J. Manalo Photography: A. A Common Grackle adorns itself in Sakura Cherry Blossoms (Tidal Basin, Washington, DC)
Dom J. Manalo Photography: C. Pie-billed Grebe atop the Tidal Basin for the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC
Dom J. Manalo Photography: D. Cherry-Blossom-Bouquet-2013
Dom J. Manalo Photography: B. Cherry-Blossoms-2013_0862MQ
Dom J. Manalo Photography: F. A lone Cormorrant observes peak bloom of the Cherry Blossoms before the MLK Memorial and City of Rosslyn, VA.
Dom J. Manalo Photography: G. Cherry-Blossoms-2013_0886MQ
Dom J. Manalo Photography: H. Cherry Blossom Bouquet 2013_0944MQcw
Dom J. Manalo Photography: E. Cherry Blossom Bouquet 2013_0930MQcw
Dom J. Manalo Photography: I. Cherry Blossom Bouquet 2013_0915MQc
Dom J. Manalo Photography: K. A Common Grackle adorns itself with Sakura Cherry Blossoms at Peak Bloom
Dom J. Manalo Photography: J. A Pie-billed Grebe bathes amidst Sakura petals on the Tidal Basin
Dom J. Manalo Photography: M. Cherry Blossoms at Peak Bloom by the Jefferson Memorial
Dom J. Manalo Photography: L. Cherry-Blossom-Bouquet 2013_1071wc
Dom J. Manalo Photography: I1. Cherry-Blossom-Bouquet-2013_1089MQwc