Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Etymology: Middle English unctioun, from Latin unction-, unctio, from unguere to anoint -- more at OINTMENT 1 : the act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing 2 : something used for anointing : OINTMENT, UNGUENT 3 a : religious or spiritual fer
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): I really don't get this; I mean, I 'get it,' but I don't *want* to get it the way it's intended; that is, this is not fit for a restaurant - it should be a pet grooming place, right?
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): they're central to some diets
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): that's a real knee-slapper, deacon
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Niezsche in Seattle
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): could be, I guess
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Davenport north alley
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): USA Freedom Mart
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Another hidden message right out in the open
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Good Name for A Tavern
Dill Pixels (THE ORIGINAL): Ralphs on Lincoln