Dorothy J Kloss: Forget-Me-Knots
Dorothy J Kloss: image002b_ei125-perfect
Dorothy J Kloss: image001a
Dorothy J Kloss: "Drained"
Dorothy J Kloss: 2017-8-2 puppets no5a
Dorothy J Kloss: 2017-8-2 puppets no6a
Dorothy J Kloss: 2017-8-3 image007
Dorothy J Kloss: 2017-8-3 image008
Dorothy J Kloss: 2020-07-16_img_004
Dorothy J Kloss: 2020-07-16_my backyard garden
Dorothy J Kloss: 2020-07-19_my front yard under isolation
Dorothy J Kloss: 2020-09-17 8X10 Ondu Pinhole
Dorothy J Kloss: 2020-11-5 Lake Erie at Gull Point Nature Preserve
Dorothy J Kloss: IMG_20210118_215728_767
Dorothy J Kloss: IMG_20210117_225909_252
Dorothy J Kloss: IMG_20210104_231700_458
Dorothy J Kloss: IMG_20210104_231632_621
Dorothy J Kloss: Garden Fence and Sink
Dorothy J Kloss: Wollensak Verito Test - on paper negative
Dorothy J Kloss: Wollensak Verito Lens Test on X-Ray film
Dorothy J Kloss: Wollensak Verito Lens Test on X-Ray film
Dorothy J Kloss: Made with 8 3/4" Wollensak Verito Lens on 8x10 film
Dorothy J Kloss: Wollensak Verito Test No1 Vertical