djKianoosh: Alejandro
djKianoosh: Alejandro feeds his lamborghini
djKianoosh: Julie
djKianoosh: Anabella
djKianoosh: Navid getting ready to ride the bike
djKianoosh: Ale's tricycle
djKianoosh: Look ma, one leg!!
djKianoosh: Collision on the high seas
djKianoosh: Anabella rowing
djKianoosh: Navid on the canoe
djKianoosh: Ricky doesn't like it...
djKianoosh: A fine day for sailing
djKianoosh: Ricky finally calms down to enjoy the boat ride
djKianoosh: Navid on the lake
djKianoosh: Are you in or out?
djKianoosh: Navid chillin on the canoe
djKianoosh: Dragonfly!
djKianoosh: horsing around
djKianoosh: Ricky tries to figure out how to fix the paddle that daddy broke
djKianoosh: Backing in
djKianoosh: Anabella, Ricky & Navid
djKianoosh: Navid plays
djKianoosh: Alejandro sleeps
djKianoosh: BBQ time!!!
djKianoosh: Manning the grill
djKianoosh: Julie's birthday cake!
djKianoosh: Twilight, just before the fireworks
djKianoosh: Dazzling fireworks
djKianoosh: Fireworks
djKianoosh: Fireworks