Veiled Virgin (Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza [1818-1875]) in the care of the Presentation Sisters, Cathedral Square, St. John’s, T.-N.-L./N.L. IMG_9800 copie
Veiled Virgin (Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza [1818-1875]) in the care of the Presentation Sisters, Cathedral Square, St. John’s, T.-N.-L./N.L. IMG_9801 copie
Veiled Virgin (Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza [1818-1875]) in the care of the Presentation Sisters, Cathedral Square, St. John’s, T.-N.-L./N.L. IMG_9802 copie
Veiled Virgin (Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza [1818-1875]) in the care of the Presentation Sisters, Cathedral Square, St. John’s, T.-N.-L./N.L. IMG_9804aHEIC copie