Dji: Good Mom
Dji: Grump at The Heights
Dji: 12 Weeks, 6 Days
Dji: Stripe
Dji: 20 Weeks, 5 Days
Dji: I'm With Stupid
Dji: Ivan Opens Stuff
Dji: What's in the Bag?
Dji: Pinbahl
Dji: Baby's First Drugs
Dji: Morgan & Deb
Dji: Jack & Ivan
Dji: Congratulations: It's A Commie!
Dji: Mas belly
Dji: More belly
Dji: Bellah
Dji: Bellah
Dji: Bellah, December 27
Dji: Bellah, December 27
Dji: photo.jpg
Dji: Studying
Dji: Alien
Dji: With Woody
Dji: Astronaut
Dji: To Scale
Dji: Lucy face
Dji: Hairy guy included for scale
Dji: Mas Miss
Dji: Dr. Thompson