Dji: Kitchen Status: Cleanish
Dji: Cooling Sweet Taters
Dji: Turkey. Just a few minutes into the process
Dji: Two hours remaining
Dji: Sweet potatoes in waiting
Dji: A double halo! A miracle of virginity!
Dji: Plattah too small! Too small!
Dji: Browny
Dji: Dressing, raw
Dji: Sweeeeetness. Needs a sugar topping though
Dji: Blendular
Dji: MMmmmmm
Dji: Devastation? Not nearly enough.
Dji: Gravy. Now it's for drinkin'
Dji: Busted.
Dji: Canberry Sauce
Dji: Canberry Sauce of Evil Darkness
Dji: Eat, you bourgeois. Eat!
Dji: Carve
Dji: Surgery
Dji: Go!
Dji: Ready, set...
Dji: Ready...
Dji: Rea...
Dji: Turkey. In the wild
Dji: Aged Samiclaus beer. Mmm.