claylaner: Go'in Up Around the Bend . Explored 20.1.12
claylaner: On Frozen Pond .Explored 17.1.12
claylaner: Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make . Explored 14.1.12
claylaner: A New Dawn - Welcome to 2012
claylaner: Robin in December Sunshine . Explored 22.12.11
claylaner: Light/Time Shift
claylaner: First Snow of Winter
claylaner: Memories of Summer,Small Copper Butterfly . Explored 4.12.11
claylaner: Don't Fence Me In . Explored
claylaner: Take This Broken Wing . Explored
claylaner: Wheels on Fire - Migrant Hawkers . Explored
claylaner: Hungry Hornet,vespa crabro . Explored
claylaner: The Other Man's Grass ...
claylaner: Love's Like A Butterfly,Holly Blue . Explored
claylaner: Sitting on the Dock of a Bay . Explored
claylaner: The Hissing of Summer Lawns,omocestus viridulus . Explored
claylaner: Don't You Call Me Common ! Explored
claylaner: Proud as a Peacock,inachis io . Explored
claylaner: Beauty and Styal ! Common Blue Butterfly,polyommatus icarus
claylaner: The Elusive Butterfly,Holly Blue,celastrina argiolus . Explored
claylaner: The English Lesson.Comma Butterfly.polygonia c-album
claylaner: Any Small Change ? Small Copper,lycaena phlaeas
claylaner: Silver-studded Blue,plebeius argus
claylaner: Styal,Small Skipper,thymelicus sylvestris .Explored
claylaner: Meadow Grasshopper,chorthippus parallelus
claylaner: I'm in Charge ! Small Skipper,thymelicus sylvestris
claylaner: Five-Spot Burnet,zygaena trifolii
claylaner: Male Blue-Tailed damselfly,ischnura elegans
claylaner: Mr Scorpion Returns
claylaner: Silver Wing Dream Machine