djfrantic: Sat night dinner
djfrantic: weekend wine list
djfrantic: IMG_6461.JPG
djfrantic: Fri night fire side chat
djfrantic: IMG_6483.JPG
djfrantic: mystery switch
djfrantic: starfish
djfrantic: Refugio Beach
djfrantic: IMG_6429.JPG
djfrantic: IMG_6436.JPG
djfrantic: IMG_6427.JPG
djfrantic: IMG_6469.JPG
djfrantic: IMG_6476.JPG
djfrantic: me surf fishing
djfrantic: Refugio site 61 setup
djfrantic: IMG_6458.JPG
djfrantic: IMG_6479.JPG
djfrantic: Bambi at Refugio
djfrantic: IMG_6477.JPG
djfrantic: off gassing
djfrantic: IMG_6431.JPG
djfrantic: taking in the view from the cliff
djfrantic: IMG_6442.JPG
djfrantic: airstream reflection
djfrantic: Bambi Airstream reflection
djfrantic: Bambi perspective
djfrantic: pic for eric
djfrantic: IMG_6457.JPG
djfrantic: Refugio site 61 and 62
djfrantic: IMG_6435.JPG