djforth33: The Great Leaders!
djforth33: The Gang
djforth33: Sue & Jo
djforth33: Tom & Nic
djforth33: Sunset over Maun
djforth33: Sunset over Maun
djforth33: Sunset over Maun
djforth33: Mokoro Drivers
djforth33: Guide looking for game
djforth33: Waiting to go!
djforth33: Kieren & Tom
djforth33: Impala
djforth33: Mokoro Drivers
djforth33: Kieren & Jo
djforth33: The group chillin'
djforth33: Riding the Mokoro
djforth33: Millipede
djforth33: Makaros
djforth33: Impala
djforth33: Impala
djforth33: Sunrise over the Delta
djforth33: Stroms a coming
djforth33: Sunset over the delta
djforth33: Lilly flower
djforth33: Sunrise over the Delta
djforth33: Makaro Diver
djforth33: Lilies on the delta
djforth33: Sunrise over the Delta