djee94: headstone of James M. Clark
djee94: headstones of Alanson Bigelow and Mary Rebecca Bigelow
djee94: headstones of Lucinda B. Crance, John Steele Tyler, and Mary W. Tyler
djee94: Beautiful beautiful Mount Auburn Cemetery - the 1st garden cemetery in the US - filled with ornate headstones, walking paths, wildlife, and flowers. It’s gorgeous.
djee94: Beautiful beautiful Mount Auburn Cemetery - the 1st garden cemetery in the US - filled with ornate headstones, walking paths, wildlife, and flowers. It’s gorgeous.
djee94: Beautiful beautiful Mount Auburn Cemetery - the 1st garden cemetery in the US - filled with ornate headstones, walking paths, wildlife, and flowers. It’s gorgeous.
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Mount Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Robert Gould Shaw cenotaph
djee94: Robert Gould Shaw cenotaph
djee94: Interesting artsy cemetery headstones
djee94: Interesting artsy cemetery headstones
djee94: Interesting artsy cemetery headstones
djee94: Sweet baby Mary Wigglesworth - Mt Auburn Cemetery
djee94: Sweet baby Mary Wigglesworth - Mt Auburn Cemetery
djee94: sweet puppy headstone for little 5 year old, Mary Prentiss Saunders
djee94: sweet and sad headstone for little Susan "Ella" Richardson
djee94: headstone for Edward and Mary Floyd
djee94: beautiful Folsom Family plot
djee94: Barney Hull Family Plot
djee94: Dallinger Family Plot
djee94: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's wives' headstone plaque