djee94: pretty houses - 38 & 40 Beal St, Brookline, MA
djee94: pretty house - 67 Beals St, Brookline, MA
djee94: headstone of James M. Clark
djee94: headstones of Alanson Bigelow and Mary Rebecca Bigelow
djee94: headstones of Lucinda B. Crance, John Steele Tyler, and Mary W. Tyler
djee94: Paul Revere’s House, built 1680, Boston
djee94: Paul Revere’s House, built 1680, Boston
djee94: Mass grave of those who were killed in the Boston Massacre
djee94: Samuel Adams's grave
djee94: Paul Revere's grave
djee94: Old State House - The Declaration of Independence was first read in Boston from that balcony
djee94: Boston's Old State House
djee94: Beautiful Tremont Temple baptist Church, built 1896
djee94: Faneuil Hall, Boston
djee94: Dutch House - Brookline, MA
djee94: Dutch House - Brookline, MA
djee94: John Hancock's grave - Granary Burial Grounds - Boston
djee94: the grave of Frank, John Hancock's slave
djee94: John Hancock's grave - Granary Burial Grounds - Boston
djee94: John Hancock's grave - Granary Burial Grounds - Boston
djee94: the grave of "Mother Goose"
djee94: Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth Regiment
djee94: Mary Dyer - hung for being a Quaker and refusing to stay banished from Boston
djee94: Massachusetts State House
djee94: Angela and Tommy Frog statues - Boston Common