djee94: buggy with lights
djee94: Amish push scooter (bikes are not allowed in this group)
djee94: Amish boy in buggyLancaster County, PA
djee94: Lancaster County, PA
djee94: Amish buggy
djee94: roadside flowers sold by Amish women
djee94: Amish horses pulling a welder
djee94: cute cute cute - little Amish boy riding a miniature pony
djee94: 115 & 113 Main St, Strasburg, PA, circa 1893
djee94: 53 Main St, Strasburg, PA, circa 1852
djee94: Wesley United Methodist Church Cemetery
djee94: beautiful flower boxes and flowerbed
djee94: old service station
djee94: beautiful flower box
djee94: built in 1905 by B.B. Gunder, a railroad magnate
djee94: built in 1905 by B.B. Gunder, a railroad magnate
djee94: old service station
djee94: Strasburg, PA
djee94: Strasburg, PA
djee94: Wesley United Methodist Church
djee94: built 1804
djee94: Limestone Inn circa 1786
djee94: Strasburg's 1st post office, circa 1786, currently Limestone Inn
djee94: 27 E. Main St., built circa 1754
djee94: Massasoit Hall, built in 1856
djee94: former home, currently a funeral home
djee94: home in Paradise, PA
djee94: Frantz Cemetery
djee94: Frantz Cemetery
djee94: Lancaster COunty, PA