DjD-567: Arriving at the trolley stop...Concord, NH
DjD-567: Finally, some truth in advertising...
DjD-567: Pine Hill Cemetery
DjD-567: Brattleboro, VT.
DjD-567: Brattleboro, VT.
DjD-567: Brattleboro, VT.
DjD-567: Brattleboro, VT.
DjD-567: Tom's - Whately, MA.
DjD-567: Whately Antiquarian Book Center
DjD-567: Whately Antiquarian Book Center
DjD-567: Townsend, MA. - Intersection of Main St. & School St., as viewed from Townsend Common
DjD-567: Inept warning sign...
DjD-567: Light trails...
DjD-567: Light trails...
DjD-567: Lull farm Jack-o-lantern display
DjD-567: Detail of entrance to Westfield Plate Co. building.
DjD-567: Usher Paper Mill
DjD-567: Cracker Barrel Restaurant - East Windsor, CT.
DjD-567: Cracker Barrel Restaurant
DjD-567: Holly Lane
DjD-567: Kingman, Arizona
DjD-567: Kingman, Arizona
DjD-567: It's a very nice neighborhood to live in...
DjD-567: Turn it Up!
DjD-567: Colonial Theater
DjD-567: Farley Rd...
DjD-567: Farley Rd....
DjD-567: Providence, R.I.
DjD-567: Providence, R.I.
DjD-567: Providence, R.I.