jazz&catlover: Snow on the ground
jazz&catlover: Hitched up and ready to go
jazz&catlover: Failed to leave before the snow
jazz&catlover: Snowplow ahead
jazz&catlover: Illinois welcome
jazz&catlover: Slippery roads
jazz&catlover: Tense driving
jazz&catlover: Snowy field
jazz&catlover: Snow covered countryside
jazz&catlover: Familiar bridge
jazz&catlover: Snowy bridge
jazz&catlover: Reflective result
jazz&catlover: Wind turbines and snow
jazz&catlover: Lines in the snow
jazz&catlover: Wind farm
jazz&catlover: Remnants of snow
jazz&catlover: Snow on the side mirror
jazz&catlover: Taking 55 South
jazz&catlover: Patterns
jazz&catlover: Illini Prairie Rest Area
jazz&catlover: No more snow!
jazz&catlover: Migrating birds
jazz&catlover: Snoozing kitty
jazz&catlover: Napping near us
jazz&catlover: Traveling kitty
jazz&catlover: Freight train
jazz&catlover: Watched a train
jazz&catlover: Effingham
jazz&catlover: Icy water