jazz&catlover: Laughing Gulls
jazz&catlover: Is it real?
jazz&catlover: Four Pelicans
jazz&catlover: Pelicans
jazz&catlover: Spring Snowstorm---April, 2007
jazz&catlover: Mourning Dove brooding
jazz&catlover: Peeking in the window at me
jazz&catlover: What a cute couple
jazz&catlover: House wren
jazz&catlover: Wren on the wren house
jazz&catlover: Bird distracting me from looking at the cornfield
jazz&catlover: My little Chickadee
jazz&catlover: Vultures, revisited
jazz&catlover: Flock of Vultures
jazz&catlover: Third brood?
jazz&catlover: Hiding in plain sight
jazz&catlover: Feeding time
jazz&catlover: Backyard guest
jazz&catlover: Mourning dove at dusk
jazz&catlover: Thirsty
jazz&catlover: Feeding station
jazz&catlover: Flower perch
jazz&catlover: Hello ducky
jazz&catlover: Falconer and his falcon
jazz&catlover: Ms. Dove is STILL on her nest!
jazz&catlover: Seed eating male Cardinal
jazz&catlover: Male Cardinal
jazz&catlover: Goldfinches at niger feeder
jazz&catlover: Pelican