djc900: Mono Lake
djc900: Sierra Nevada range
djc900: Sierra Nevada range
djc900: we did this a lot
djc900: initial descent
djc900: Minietta cabin and mining site
djc900: Wildrose charcoal kilns
djc900: View from the Panamint range
djc900: No Kickstand day
djc900: Copper King cabin
djc900: 3 / 4 bikes
djc900: 'merica
djc900: Panamint sunrise
djc900: view from Cerro Gordo
djc900: oldest standing hotel in California - Cerro Gordo
djc900: desert tractor
djc900: crankshaft
djc900: dog buddy
djc900: memorial stove
djc900: Billy Crapo shot the postmaster and lit out for Colorado
djc900: view of Sierra Nevada range from Cerro Gordo
djc900: big mineral
djc900: Wedgewood stove
djc900: Human Blood
djc900: Is this another rest stop?
djc900: Sierra Nevada range
djc900: Drew surveys the Sierra Nevadas
djc900: Panamint sunrise
djc900: Rob about to rip it up
djc900: cacti