David Jackmanson: WTF? 80K+ views on my flickr on Anzac Day+day after! 14% of my ALL TIME views over 6yrs. Good photo titles matter!
David Jackmanson: WTF? 80K+ views on my flickr on Anzac Day+day after! 14% of my ALL TIME views over 6yrs. Good photo titles matter!
David Jackmanson: Pic: I hate how in New Zealand if you get caught shagging a sheep you have to marry her, and AusGov can't help :(
David Jackmanson: Awww...went down the shop to get fish. When I got back this was on my screen <3
David Jackmanson: FB permalink
David Jackmanson: Sideways Automotive, 6/63 Langford St, Pooraka, South Australia, steal photos then threaten arson when called out
David Jackmanson: Pic: Lol, just spent two days grinding levels in a Facebook game just to get waitresses in patriotic US costumes
David Jackmanson: Via @Ben_HR - one simple reason Borders & Angas and Robertson went bust
David Jackmanson: Pic: Sometimes Twitter has these cute little coincidences @SuperOpinion @Mischa76
David Jackmanson: Pic: Naaaw! @feral_pigeon and @common_squirrel together at last!
David Jackmanson: Australian workplace fatalities 2008
David Jackmanson: Pic: One of these Tweets is not like the other #WC2018
David Jackmanson: Pic: BINGO! to @MoribundUndead
David Jackmanson: Pic: Awesome. Just "rooted" my HTC Desire, can now take screenshots
David Jackmanson: Pic: Vatican Secret Archive FAIL
David Jackmanson: Pic: Lol! DoubleTwist ("iTunes for Android") installation "will probably take forever"
David Jackmanson: Has the Kremlin's official Twitter account launched a campaign against profiteers? @KremlinRussian_E
David Jackmanson: @Nicholosophy Searching for Tribal Theatre gives me this spam result for definatalie.com (4th one down)
David Jackmanson: Pic: I love media releases that are carefully tailored to individual districts
David Jackmanson: 201103 0715 Boong Drunk Facebook page screenshot
David Jackmanson: Running corporate Twitter accounts? Why you should use @CoTweet and not @HootSuite
David Jackmanson: When this poker-machine-like-ad spins, the Statue of Liberty looks like an assault rifle. Not quite the impression they wanted?
David Jackmanson: INVALID reference copy of @grilldburgers voucher (don't bother printing this one out, I've defaced it)
David Jackmanson: Luke Royes Twitter Search screenshot
David Jackmanson: Screenshot of Meryl Dorey's 'instruments of death' yahoo groups post
David Jackmanson: Screenshot demonstrating Meryl Dorey's membership in Australians Against Vaccination Facebook group
David Jackmanson: Pretty pleased about these YouTube awards, then
David Jackmanson: 100107 1215AEST ABC News screenshot showing changed report no longer reporting sinking as fact
David Jackmanson: Screenshot of ABC News (Australia) story heavily biassed towards the anti-whaling organisation Sea Shepherd - taken 1747hrs AEST 100106
David Jackmanson: Pic: Why can't any dating site cater for ME?